Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A' Design Award 2014 winners are announced

A' Design Award and Competitions aims to highlight the excellent qualifications of the best designs, design concepts and design oriented products. A' Design Award and Competitions are organized and awarded annually and internationally in multiple categories to reach a wide, design-oriented audience. To Learn more about the A' Design Award please click here.

Here are 15 favorites of mine from 750+ winning projects of the period 13-14. My selection is based on the functionalism and the novelty factors. They're not in a particular order - I couldn't put them into any, such different and amazing each of them are.


Conspiracy-Sandal Shaped Jewels by Gianluca Tamburini - fantastic styles, details
and craftmanship combined with modern technology.


June by Netatmo Sun Protection Coaching Bracelet by Raphaelle Raymond - once
again is proved the fact that something greatly functional can be beautiful too. 


The Hostess Womenswear Collection by Daria Zhiliaeva - very impressive shapes
and prints!


Images of The Remains by Yau Kai So - I love the elements of different
weights combined. The project images are fantastic.


Wollstonecraft Capsule Collection Womens' Daywear by Lizzie Montgomery
- what a talented print maker!


The Kameleon Adaptable Clothing by Leila Rose Faddoul
- guess why I like it?


Oksana Coat Hangers Coat Hanger and Coat Rack by Bernhard Burkard - no need
to hide these behind the doors of the wardrobe and if they're not needed for the
purpose they're designed for they're very easy to store - a great seller I predict!


Osteoid Medical Cast, Attachable Bone Stimulator by Deniz Karasahin - I want
to break my arm!


Olga Case by Ari Korolainen - another functional piece. The simple lines are the
spot on.


Collectote Multifunctional Bag by Yun Hsin Lee - 3in1 I like.


The Rain Dress Urban Cycling Rainwear by The Rain Dress by Brown - bicycling in
the rain can actually be stylish and fun.


Backpack Bed™ Outdoor Portable Bed by Lisa Clark - this product meets
a real and urgent need - hats off for it! Being a very nice design as well.


Blossom Cava Challenging and Disruptive Design by Packlab - a perfection!


Peltolan Blue Cheese Innovative Brand and Packaging Design by Packlab
- I can see, smell, feel and hear Finnish Midsummer; a perfect job!


Snowskate Skate For Soft and Hard Snow by Kari Thomsen
- another cool item to dig out of one's winter handbag.

A fantastic collection, isn't it! See more of period 2013-14 winners here and pick your own favourite TOP 15. And psst! Designers can join the next edition A' Design Awards & Competition with great discounts during 27-30 April using the earliest bird period fees. 

1 comment:

  1. wow, need to click and learn more about a lot of these amazing designs


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